Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Housing & Economic Development HOME Investment Partnership First Time Homebuyer Program

An heir or heirs, provided they are income and otherwise eligible per HUD guidelines, may assume the property agreements. If no eligible heir or heirs is identified, the City has the right to seek recovery of the funds invested and may employ foreclosure. If working with a partner, the Client and the Partner should submit complete application packet to the City to request DPA to purchase your selected property. The city will determine if the purchase meets program guidelines.

city of deerfield beach first time home buyer program

Please note TREC inspections will only be accepted if they were completed after construction. Once submitted, the City reviews all materials and will issue a Conditional Reservation Letter to accepted applicants. It includes important information about what you’ll need to include in order to submit that application.


Home you want to purchase pays taxes to the City of Houston. Homeownership is a dream for many Houstonians but out of reach for many residents. The City offers up to $30,000 to income-qualified residents. Please be aware when you travel from The City of Pompano Beach’s website to another site, whether through links The City of Pompano Beach provides or otherwise, you will be subject to the privacy policies, or lack thereof, of other sites. The City of Pompano Beach cautions you to use good judgment and to determine the privacy policy of 3rd party sites before you provide any personal information.

city of deerfield beach first time home buyer program

The Homebuyer Assistance Program takes about six weeks, provided there are no external delays. Please note that the six weeks is measured from the time the applicant submits a complete application. Individuals may also qualify for down payment assistance or, if a veteran seeking a VA loan, a closing cost assistance grant. To see if you qualify for a Virginia Housing program, click here. The homebuyer education counselors will be available to assist program participants throughout the home buying process.

Seven Easy Steps to Homeownership

Community-based counseling agencies certified by HUD and approved by HPD to participate in the HomeFirst program will promote the program through newsletters, flyers, and seminars; distribute program guidelines; and enroll consumers in Homebuyer Education classes. The counseling agencies will also certify income eligibility for the Down Payment Assistance Program, counsel consumers about program requirements, certify completion of Homebuyer Education classes, and refer consumers to participating lenders for pre-approval. Contact any one of the following HPD-approved counseling agencies.

city of deerfield beach first time home buyer program

Home Preservation & Prevention CARES is a Housing and Urban Development approved housing counseling agency based in Long Beach. HPP CARES provide financial education on a range of topics from first home-buying and preventing foreclosure (mortgage relief & forbearance options), to the sound use of credit and effective debt management. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers a variety of resources on fair housing issues, lists for lenders and real estate brokers, and homebuyer education information. Approximately 100 households will receive up to $20,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance. The path to home ownership begins with an assessment of client eligibility and credit through one of the Homebuyer Education and Housing Counseling Partners listed herein or Other Viable Entity as determined by the City including lending institutions. These organizations help clients identify “their” barriers to becoming a homeowner and assist to overcome those challenges in addition to helping obtain the required homeowner education and housing counseling certificates.

First-Time Homebuyer Assistance (HOME)

The Homebuyer Assistance Program , will be opening the portal on January 3, 2023 to accept new HAP applications. Funding is limited and applications will be processed on a first-come-first-serve basis to meet the program requirements. The First-Time Homebuyer Program provides income-eligible homebuyers in Boston with financial assistance. (including acquisition, acquisition/rehabilitation, new construction, downpayment and closing costs) that will be used as their principal place of residence.

View the Federal, State, and local programs and resources below for program specifics and eligbility requirements. Upon the successful completion of the Homebuyer Education class, prospective home buyesr will receive a certificate that verifies their eligibility for the forgivable loan of up to $100,000 towards the down payment or closing costs on a new home. The certificate is valid for six months, with a subsequent six-month renewal period. After receiving the certificate, prospective homebuyers begin the path to homeownership. The City of Deerfield Beach is accepting applications for the Micro-Enterprise Grant Assistance Program. The program, established to provide small businesses impacted by COVID-19 with financial assistance to meet operational obligations, is grant-funded.

Rent and Utility Assistance Program

Eligible expenses include business lease or mortgage payments, utility payments, debt payments, payroll, and inventory. The goal of the program is to support the business community's efforts to remain viable and maintain staffing during the pandemic. The First Time Home Buyer program provides funding to eligible first time home buyers to purchase a home. Funding will be used to pay all or a portion of the costs and/or down payment required for the purchase. Applications are awarded in order of the first completed and verified application. For an application and more information click on the links below.

city of deerfield beach first time home buyer program

Have household income that falls in the category of very low, low, and moderate-income in accordance with the Department of Housing & Urban Development income guidelines. Funding is limited and will be awarded on a first-come, first-qualified basis. Eligible properties include single-family detached homes, condominiums, townhomes, and villas. Must have financial ability to secure a mortgage loan with a lending institution.


The California Housing Finance Agency supports the needs of renters and homebuyers by providing financing and programs that create safe, decent, and affordable housing opportunities for low to moderate income California residents. CalHFA is a self-supporting State agency that relies on revenues generated through mortgage loans rather than taxpayer dollars. The City does not currently offer any first-time homebuyer assistance loans, but there are a variety of assistance providers and programs to help you prepare for homeownership. There are a number of homebuyer loan programs available through the California Housing Finance Agency .

city of deerfield beach first time home buyer program

All applicants must have not owned a home in the last three years. Have an Annual gross income that does not exceed the applicable HUD income limits. DPA Funding is limited and requests are granted on a “first ready – first serve basis." Funds from the Homebuyer Assistance Program are wired on the day of closing.

Program Eligibility

If the buyer sells or moves out of the home before the end of five years, they will pay back the City for a portion of the original loan amount. To qualify for our programs, you need to plan to buy a one- to three-family residential property or condominium in Boston. The total budget for the Community Participation Grant program is subject to approval annually during the City's budgeting process. The amount of grants awarded is at the discretion of the City Commission and based on the availability of the funds.

city of deerfield beach first time home buyer program

The maximum award amount is based on need, not to exceed income category limits as included in the application. Available funding is very limited, and state set-aside requirements apply. They can advise about properties that reasonably meets your income and debt characteristics.

Realtors and other professionals interested in learning more about the Homebuyer Assistance Program or helping residents to take advantage of this program can sign up for our email list at the link below. Signing up will let us know of your interest and help us keep you up to date on any upcoming events or announcements. Our assistance is a no-interest, forgivable loan secured by a lien. The loan is fulfilled if the buyer lives in the home for five years.

Home repair assistance to income-eligible owner-occupied households in Deerfield Beach to promote a safe environment. Eligible repairs include home, weatherization, and energy efficiency retrofits. Assistance will be provided in the form of a 0% interest deferred second loan that reverts to a grant if all program conditions are met. The City of Deerfield Beach is accepting applications for Rental and Utility Assistance.

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